Unified Net Solutions has spent years developing an overall process that benefits clients in multiple ways.

  • Cost Savings
  • Environmental Benefits
  • Technological Optimization and Enhancements

Few system upgrades have the impact of a structured cabling system or phone system upgrade in terms of increased performance and reliability for a business, and none offer more opportunities to increase the efficiency of a business.

Often a new structured cabling system will pay for itself with increased productivity by the workforce, who will no longer complain of lost connections, slow access, and long downtime related to the network.

A structured cabling solution consists of all the cables and equipment that connect computers together and to the Internet, including patch cables, backbone cables, terminal blocks, patch panels, etc. When migrating to a structured system from a legacy system it is often advantageous to replace most of the network components such as switches, routers, hubs, repeaters, network interface cards (NICs), and even firewalls with newer, faster components. This will not only speed up the network significantly, but also combine the downtime and labor costs into one comprehensive project that will provide an immediate return on investment.

A new virtual cloud-based phone system will allow remote workers to get more done and communicate more effectively and efficiently with the main office/headquarters and the customers you serve with auto-attendants, fax, mobile apps, etc to create a more dynamic and yet stable working environment.

Get enahnced privacy, less noise and a less steressful work-envronment with sound masking technology. We will install sound masking tech that will change your office environment to one that feels more like a haven than a busy public area.

We become your technology partner and grow with you.

The bottom line is that Unified Net Solutions, Inc. will save you money and help increase your productivity, using our innovative strategy of proactive maintenance, continual monitoring, and progressive design. If you are in the market for a company that does things differently than your current service provider, we invite you to take a closer look at our services. We have specialist technicians for every kind of job.


Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We are available for service in and around the Atlanta Georgia area.

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